Dunleer Tidy Towns - Helping people take pride in their community

  • The name of the group shall be Dunleer Tidy Towns.
  • The aims of the group shall be administered by a Committee elected yearly at public Annual General Meeting.
  • The Committee shall consist of Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and PRO.
  • The Committee shall consist of a maximum of 8 members, from which the officers will be elected at the first Committee post Annual General Meeting.
  • The quorum at Committee meetings shall consist of half the current membership plus one.
  • Public to be notified in advance of Annual General Meetings, minimum of three days in advance.
  • Annual General Meeting agenda to consist of minutes of last AGM, matters arising, correspondence, officer’s reports, full financial statement, motions, election of committee, AOB.
  • Resolutions at meetings of committee can only be passed by majority of members present, with the chairperson having a casting vote at AGM, EGM and committee meeting.
  • The Committee will meet on a regular basis, with the intention to meet at least monthly, but not less than four times per year.
  • All monies received by members of Dunleer Tidy Towns are lodged into the Tidy Towns Bank Account. Cheques are signed by the committee members who are nominated to organise payments. The committee decides on how all monies are spent.
  • In the event of a vacancy arising for Chairperson, Secretary or Treasurer, the committee may elect one of their own members to fill it.
  • Amendments to constitution may only be passed at Annual General meeting or other special meetings. They may be passed by simple majority of those members present.
  • If all Committee positions are not filled at Annual General Meeting, those elected shall co-op members on to the committee as required, with the approval of elected Committee.
  • In the event of dissolution, assets and funds of the group shall be put in care/trusteeship of Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer and these funds should only be disposed of, to groups or organisations with similar aims as Dunleer Tidy Towns.